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Sterling is the leading provider of employment and background screening services. The company offers background checks, drug testing and other key verification and assessment services.
The Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI) is a global leader in developing rigorous exams to demonstrate mastery and real-world application of forward-thinking Human Resources practices, policies and principles. The Institute offers a comprehensive portfolio of advanced professional credentials for Human Resources professionals worldwide. Through the combination of formal education, adherence to high ethical standards, demonstrated knowledge and achievement through exam and a renewed commitment to continuing professional development, Human Resources professionals certified by the Human Resources Certification Institute enhance their professional credibility and the organizations they serve. Since 1976, the Human Resources Certification Institute has been the global leader in professional credentialing for the Human Resources profession. Today, more than 145,000 Human Resources professionals in 100 countries proudly maintain the Human Resources Certification Institute’s credentials as a mark of high professional distinction. The Human Resources Certification Institute offers a comprehensive portfolio of advanced professional credentials for Human Resources professionals worldwide. Through the combination of formal education and experience, adherence to high ethical Standards, demonstrated knowledge and achievement through exam and a renewed commitment to continuing professional development, certified Human Resources professionals enhance their credibility and the organizations they serve.
We currently have workforce in 46 states & 12+ countries for customers such as Amazon, Apple, VISA, Exelon, Securian, Salesforce, Dropbox, Twitter, Otsuka, Adobe, Western Union, First Data, FIS, SANOFI, Merck, Abbott, Roche, Dell, and Corning among many others. We are headquartered in Natick, MA (Boston) along with operations in New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, Canada, India as well as remote Executives strategically placed nationwide.
At The ONeil Search Group, we are dedicated to helping you hire skilled professionals with specialized capabilities in a timely manner. We work with a significant number of noteworthy national and international, mid-size and boutique firms. All of our clients, large and small, have confidence in our abilities because they know we employ a wealth of resources, knowledge, experience and insight to find the right candidate for you. Finding the right candidate means taking a custom approach to each search. We meet and screen each candidate meticulously before presenting them for consideration. We take into account technical qualifications, experience and academic background. But, most importantly, we make sure the candidate is compatible with your organization`s style and culture because we are committed to matching both the client`s and the candidate`s needs for a perfect fit. Why do we do all of this? Because our goal is to develop long-term partnerships with our clients built on integrity, commitment and trust. We strive to be the dependable consultant that drives your professional success because when you succeed, we succeed.
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