03/15/2010 CTOsOnTheMove.com Expands IT Sales Lead Generation from Press Releases to Job Postings, SEC Filings |
CTOsOnTheMove announced a website upgrade that will include an extePressbox (Press Release) - CTOsOnTheMove.com, the leading provider of lead generation solutions for technology companies selling to Chief Technology Officers (CTOs), Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and VPs of Technology and Information Systems, today announced expansion of service offerings to include coverage of job posting websites, SEC mandatory corporate filings and social media outlets.
New York, NY March 15, 2010 - CTOsOnTheMove.com, the leading provider of lead generation solutions for technology companies, today announced that it added tracking of job posting sites, SEC filings and select social media outlets to provide unique, relevant and highly actionable sales leads to its subscribers.
"Our clients, mostly Fortune 1000 companies, are excited about this new development as we continue to drive incremental sales for them" said Janna Soltero, Head of Market Research at CTOsOnTheMove.com. "Selling to corporate and government CIOs and CTOs has become an increasingly crowded space and with continuing explosion of B2B content aimed at IT executive function, claims on the limited attention span of executives with budget authority rise exponentially. This creates a low responsiveness challenge that we solve for our subscribers by identifying and delivering to them in real time event-based unique sales opportunities that help them "sell more faster".
About CTOsOnTheMove.com CTOsOnTheMove.com provides lead generation services to insides sales and direct marketing teams of large and midsize technology corporations. CTOsOnTheMove.com monitors in real time thousands of media sources, corporate websites, jobs boards, government publications and social media to track executive management changes and other sales triggers to provide unique, relevant, highly responsive, timely and actionable sales opportunities to its subscribers. For more information, visit http://www.ctosonthemove.com Contacts: info@ctosonthemove.com |
07/22/2010 CTOsOnTheMove.com supports Global BPO forum in New York |
NEW YORK - July 22, 2010 - www.CTOsOnTheMove.com, the leading provider of lead generation solutions for technology companies selling to corporate IT Executives - Chief Information Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Vice Presidents of Technology and Information Services - announced today that it is joining the BPO forum taking place on July 28, 2010 in New Jersey as an Affiliate Supporter. CTOsOnTheMove.com, is proud to be part of this premier event bringing together IT practitioners and trusted advisors from companies like Accenture and Tata.
"We are certainly pleased to announce this event to our community of IT executives, CIOs, CTOs, VPs of Technology on the Corporate and Government side", said Janna Soltero, Managing Director at CTOsOnTheMove.com.
About http://www.CTOsOnTheMove.com
CTOsOnTheMove.com is an online subscription-based service for vendors, advisors and service providers to the CIO/CTO community. The service includes access to the online searchable database of corporate, government and non-profit CTOs and CIOs in North America who recently changed jobs, were promoted, or resigned; the records are collected from publically available sources, including press release services and then appended with company information and personal contact information Contact: info@ctosonthemove.com |
08/14/2010 CTOsOnTheMove.com Sponsors Interop Forum |
CTOsOnTheMove.com, the leading provider of lead generation solutions for technology companies, joined the Interop Forum as a Media Sponsor.
New York, NY August 14, 2010 - CTOsOnTheMove.com, the leading provider of lead generation solutions for technology companies, today announced that it is supporting the Interop Forum, taking place in New York, NY on October 18, 2010 through October 22, 2010, as a media sponsor.
"We are certainly pleased to announce this event to our community of IT executives, CIOs, CTOs, VPs of Technology on the Corporate and Government side", said Janna Soltero, Managing Director at CTOsOnTheMove.com. Interop is the leading business technology event with the most comprehensive IT conference and expo available. Interop drives the adoption of technology, providing knowledge and insight to help IT and corporate decision-makers achieve business success.
Part of UBM TechWeb's family of global brands, Interop is the leading business technology event series. Through in-depth educational programs, workshops, real-world demonstration and live technology implementation in its unique InteropNet program, Interop provides the forum for the most powerful innovations and solutions the industry has to offer.
About CTOsOnTheMove.com
CTOsOnTheMove.com is an online subscription-based service for vendors, advisors and service providers to the CIO/CTO community. The service includes access to the online searchable database of corporate, government and non-profit CTOs and CIOs in North America who recently changed jobs, were promoted, or resigned; the records are collected from publically available sources, including press release services and then appended with company information and personal contact information. For details visit http://www.ctosonthemove.com/
Contact: info@ctosonthemove.com |