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We make Marines. We win our nation`s battles. We develop quality citizens. These are the promises the Marine Corps makes to our nation and to our Marines. The core values that guide us, and the leadership skills that enable us, not only make for outstanding Marines, they make for upstanding citizens. Every Marine is an ambassador for our nation and our Corps. From the day Marines earn the title through the rest of their lives, the impeccable standards of the Marine Corps are exemplified in everything they do. Marine Corps Officer candidates are evaluated on leadership, academics and physical training. To become an officer, you must excel at all three. The harder you push yourself, the more you will accomplish. You will be challenged as a leader, and learn that the success of your team is as important as your own. Visit to learn if you have what it takes to lead Marines.
The U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure is a standing committee of the United States House of Representatives. The Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure has formerly been known as the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, and the Committee on Public Works between 1947 and 1968. This committee was formed in 1842. Under the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 the Committees on Public Buildings and Grounds (1837-1946), Rivers and Harbors (1883-1946), Roads (1913–46), and the Flood Control (1916–46) were combined to form the Committee on Public Works. Its jurisdiction from the beginning of the 80th Congress (1947–48) through the 90th Congress (1967–68) remained unchanged. While these four original committees retained their separate identities, they were reduced to subcommittees. Addition subcommittees were formed for issues on Beach Erosion, 80th Congress (1947–48) and for Watershed Development, 86th-90th Congresses (1959–68). Special Subcommittees included those: to Investigate Questionable Trade Practices, 80th Congress; to Study Civil Works, 82nd Congress (1951–52); on the Federal-Aid Highway Program, 86th-90th Congresses; and on Economic Development Programs, 89th-90th Congresses (1965–68). Ad Hoc Committees were established on Montana Flood Damage, 88th Congress (1963–64); on Appalachian Regional Development, 88th-90th Congresses; and on the 1967 Alaska Exposition, 89th Congress.
Sarpy County is home of Bellevue, Gretna, La Vista, Papillion,Springfield, and Offutt Air Force Base. Sarpy County has a population of over 150,000 and is located in the eastern part of the state, just south of the City of Omaha.
PNNL advances the frontiers of knowledge, taking on some of the world`s greatest science and technology challenges. Distinctive strengths in chemistry, earth sciences, and data analytics are the heart of our science mission, laying a foundation for innovations that improve America`s energy resiliency and enhance our national security. We are a national lab with Pacific Northwest roots and global reach. Whether our researchers are unlocking the mysteries of Earth`s climate, helping modernize the U.S. electric power grid, or safeguarding ports around the world from nuclear smuggling, we accept great challenges for one purpose: to create a world that is safer, cleaner, more prosperous, and more secure. Let us show you what happens when great minds meet great challenges.
Kansas Corporation Commission is a regulatory agency whose responsibilities include oversight of the telecommunications industry in Kansas.