Name | Title | Contact Details |
Steven Coffey |
Information Security Officer | Profile |
Chris Baker |
Director of Technology | Profile |
City of Yuma is one of the leading companies in Government industry. City of Yuma is based in Yuma, AZ. You can find more information on City of Yuma at
The California Office of Digital Innovation (ODI) is dedicated to improving digital experiences for all Californians. ODI uses people-centered design and technology to reimagine and deliver equitable, effective services to Californians. We bring empathy, curiosity, data, technology, and a host of other tools to identifying problems. We directly engage with Californians to understand their needs, challenges, and expectations. And we work with state agencies and departments to reimagine the processes, policies, and technology systems that problems are rooted in. Our focus is on creating and delivering lasting change, not just quick fixes. We`re looking for team members who are deeply excited about making California government work better. We`re a remote-first team with staff all over the state and offices in the historic train station in downtown Sacramento.
The St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services provides temporary assistance to eligible individuals and families to help them with their basic needs until they can become self-sufficient. Toward that end, we have employment programs and other supportive services such as day care so that people can find and maintain employment. We also administer programs which can assist people with their medical expenses and nutritional needs. In addition, Children`s Services helps families deal with problems so they can stay together and, when necessary, provides foster care. Child Protective Services investigates allegations of abuse and neglect. Child Support assists in collecting financial support from legally responsible relatives.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is an independent agency that was established by the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 and began operations in 1975. NRC`s mission is to license and regulate the Nation`s civilian use of radioactive materials to provide reasonable assurance of adequate protection of public health and safety and to promote the common defense and security and to protect the environment. In carrying out its mission it exercises the following vision: Demonstrate the Principles of Good Regulation (independence, openness, efficiency, clarity, and reliability) in performing our mission. NRC`s scope of responsibility includes: the regulation of commercial nuclear power plants, research and test reactors, nuclear fuel cycle facilities, medical, academic, and industrial uses of radioactive materials; the decommissioning of these facilities and sites; and, the transport, storage, and disposal of radioactive materials and wastes. NRC issues licenses for civilian uses of radioactive materials, oversees the licensees, and certifies standard nuclear reactor designs and spent fuel storage casks and transportation packages. It also licenses the import and export of radioactive materials; participates in international nuclear activities, including multilateral and bilateral safety and security activities; and works closely with its international counterparts to enhance nuclear safety and security worldwide. To accomplish its overall mission NRC has identified two Strategic Goals—To ensure the safe and secure use of radioactive materials. We need a wide variety of administrative and technical staff to accomplish our objectives. We hire engineers, scientists, security specialists, information technology professionals, financial analysts, and a range of other occupations. We`re constantly looking for outstanding individuals at all levels – recent grads, mid-career professionals, and senior leaders.
We are a full service voter contact firm that specializes in grassroots efforts. Whether you want to outsource your ground game to help you achieve victory on Election Day or simply want to send an automated call to targeted voters, we can help! With experience that ranges from municipal to Presidential campaigns, our proven track-record of success has helped elect multiple members of congress in states across the country along with prominent state and local officials. We firmly believe that the needs of campaigns change each and every election cycle and pride ourselves on our ability to meet the challenges posed by a shifting electorate and adapt to the evolving methods of voter contact.