What Happened?
Barnes & Noble Appointed William Vahle as Vice President of Information Technology Security
Barnes & Noble Appointed William Vahle as Vice President of Information Technology Security
Barnes & Noble is an innovator in publishing, retail, and digital media, including our award-winning NOOK® products and an expansive collection of digital reading and entertainment content. We welcome creative, dedicated, and service-oriented team members who are passionate about being an integral part of our dynamic community and helping it thrive. Whether your expertise is in retail, merchandising, publishing, marketing, technology, or finance, we have a place for you at Barnes & Noble.
William Vahle is Vice President of Information Technology Security at Barnes & Noble . Previously - William Vahle held various leadership positions in the industry.
Other IT executives who recently changed jobs as well: Chikkala Alex, Dann Shawn, Klinedinst Nate, Kizilov Max, Clark Kevin, Elton John, Coby Paul, Weddle Robert, Johnston Dena, Jayasimha Jay, Gwankobe Judy
You can find the full directory of IT executives here.
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