The National Cyber-Forensics & Training Alliance (NCFTA) is a non-profit corporation founded in 2002, focused on identifying, mitigating, and neutralizing cyber crime threats globally. The NCFTA operates by conducting real time information sharing and analysis with Subject Matter Experts (SME) in the public, private, and academic sectors. Through these partnerships, the NCFTA proactively identifies cyber threats in order to help partners take preventive measures to mitigate those threats. The NCFTA has a proven track record and has long been identified as the model for private/public partnerships. Today, the NCFTA model, best practices, and lessons learned are being leveraged and emulated ...
The National Cyber-Forensics & Training Alliance (NCFTA) is a non-profit corporation founded in 2002, focused on identifying, mitigating, and neutralizing cyber crime threats globally. The NCFTA operates by conducting real time information sharing and analysis with Subject Matter Experts (SME) in the public, private, and academic sectors. Through these partnerships, the NCFTA proactively identifies cyber threats in order to help partners take preventive measures to mitigate those threats. The NCFTA has a proven track record and has long been identified as the model for private/public partnerships. Today, the NCFTA model, best practices, and lessons learned are being leveraged and emulated in countries around the world. Our membership is constantly growing both nationally and internationally across private industry, law enforcement, government, and academia. Collaboration with partners has resulted in countless criminal and civil investigations having been initiated, that otherwise may not have been addressed. To date, the NCFTA has provided intelligence which has aided in the successful prosecution of hundreds of cyber criminals worldwide. Furthermore, the NCFTA has produced more than 800 cyber threat intelligence reports over in the past three years alone to support our various initiatives and partners.
Number of Employees:
Annual Revenue:
$1-10 Million