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San Jose, CA-based F-Secure has Promoted Mikko H. Hypponen as Chief Technology Officer
San Jose, CA-based F-Secure has Promoted Mikko H. Hypponen as Chief Technology Officer
We protect our customers irreplaceable digital content and online interactions. Anytime, anywhere, on any device. F-Secure is the global leader in providing security as a service through operators. F-Secure is now also expanding into Content Cloud space and offering tremendous opportunities for operators and their customers in providing a compelling range of solutions that are tailored to the needs of the Operator Community that goes beyond Internet security. Our content cloud and Internet security services are available through over 200 operators in more than 40 countries around the world and trusted in millions of homes and businesses.
Priot to promotion, Mikko Hypponen is the Chief Research Officer for F-Secure. He has worked with F-Secure in Finland since 1991. He's also a TED Speaker. Mr. Hypponen has led his team through the largest outbreaks in history. He named the infamous Storm Worm, was part of the Conficker Working Group and he has done classified briefings on the Stuxnet worm. Mr. Hypponen has assisted law enforcement in USA, Europe and Asia on cybercrime cases. He has written for magazines such as Scientific American, Wired and Foreign Policy and for newspapers like The New York Times. Mr. Hypponen has addressed the most important security-related conferences worldwide. He has been the subject of hundreds of interviews in global media, including a 9-page profile in Vanity Fair. Mr. Hypponen, born in 1969, was selected among the 50 most important people on the web by the PC World magazine and was included in the FP Global 100 Thinkers list. He also received the Virus Bulletin Award, awarded every ten years, as the "Best educator in industry". Mr. Hypponen sits in the advisory boards of ISF and The Lifeboat Foundation. Apart from computer security issues, Mr. Hypponen enjoys collecting and restoring classic arcade video games and pinball machines from past decades.
Other IT executives who recently changed jobs as well: Piccininno Patrick, Cullen Brynn, MARCIL MELISSA, Pfaff Jason, Hindle Steve, Giordano John, Mattingly Jackie, Sheffield George, Batra JP, Sampson John, Luong Mike
You can find the full directory of IT executives here.
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