What Happened?
Kansas City, MO-based American Century Investments hired Mark Snyder as Director of Information Technology
Date of management change: October 10, 2009
Kansas City, MO-based American Century Investments hired Mark Snyder as Director of Information Technology
American Century Investments® is a leading asset manager focused on delivering investment results and building long-term client relationships while supporting research that can improve health and save lives. It`s how we help our clients Prosper With Purpose™. Every day people are increasingly focused on investing to make the world a better place for themselves, their families, their organizations, and the world at large. It is possible to live a more meaningful and impactful life and give back something that`s more valuable than money. When you invest with us, you can also invest in the future of others and have the potential to impact the lives of millions. That`s possible because of the distinct relationship with the Stowers Institute for Medical Research, which owns more than 40% of American Century Investments. Our dividend payments provide the ongoing financial support for the Institute`s work of uncovering the causes, treatments and prevention of life-threatening diseases, like cancer. Together we can become a powerful force for good…it`s like nothing you`ve seen before from an investment management firm.
Mark Snyder was previously developed a technology for solar powered trailer or bench-mounted water purification units. Read more: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:YoTi28pzyi4J:www.faqs.org/sec-lings/100304/Golden-Aria-Corp_8-K/exhibit99-1.htm+Mark+Snyder+golden+aria&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a#ixzz0zdwT6yPc
Other IT executives who recently changed jobs as well: Chogyoji Anthony, Gutholc Robert, Lansing Gerrit, Davis George, Nyakhar Shanavas, Gelhausen Paul, Padgett Adam, Adams Christopher, Albina Nick, Seliga Peter, Vazquez-Reina Amelio
You can find the full directory of IT executives here.
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