About the Company
PodcastOne is a curated website of great podcasts across many different genres. In today`s busy world of solo casting, it is hard to separate the winners from the losers. We know how important your time is so we have gone and scoured the millions of podcasts out there, and selected the ones we think "you really care about." PodcastOne allows anyone connected to the web to discover, access and experience top-quality, original audio content on-demand at zero cost. PodcastOne Sales was formed in October of 2012 to apply proven, successful monetization methods to the expanding world of on-demand digital media. These new metrics will put the sizable podcast audience in terms that advertisers can understand and utilize effectively. PodcastOne has direct access to hundreds of millions of listeners and viewers.
About the Person
Kris Smith has over a decade of experience in the medium, and has spent his career designing and developing digital products.
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