What Happened?
New Britai, CT-based Stanley Black and Decker Appointed Jim Messer as Director, Information Technology
Date of management change: April 21, 2019
New Britai, CT-based Stanley Black and Decker Appointed Jim Messer as Director, Information Technology
Since 1843, we`ve set the standard for excellence in everything we do. No company on earth has a stronger or more compelling history of delivering the hardworking, innovative, powerful tools that help professionals around the world build, repair, and protect the world`s most valuable objects. We are the leader in tools and storage. We are STANLEY Tools. We are DEWALT. We are Mac Tools. We are Porter-Cable. And we are much more. We are the doors that protect you at airports. We are the pieces that hold your cell phone together. We are the hydraulic breakers that rescue trapped earthquake survivors. We are the people on the phone in a crisis. No matter where you live, what car you drive, what stores you shop at, or what building you work in, you can bet that we had a hand in making it work. And you can guarantee that we`ll keep making it work. Vision: To be a sustainable company by advancing global stewardship across the entire value chain through our people, our operations, and our products. ECOSMART is our sustainability. It supports everything we do encompassing the economic, social and environmental aspects of our products, people and operations.
Jim Messer is Director, Information Technology at Stanley Black and Decker. Previously, Jim held various senior IT leadership roles in the industry.
Other IT executives who recently changed jobs as well: Kim Jin, Liang Meina, Shea Della, Wyman TJ, Richstein Russ, O'Keefe Jennifer, Amaro Mauricio, Gonsalves Stan, McDaniel Burkey Joanna, Barron-DiCamillo Ann, Drebin Bob
You can find the full directory of IT executives here.
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