What Happened?
Sterling, VA-based Avitecture has promoted Jason Nichols as Chief Technology Officer.
Date of management change: February 22, 2012
Sterling, VA-based Avitecture has promoted Jason Nichols as Chief Technology Officer.
Avitecture, Inc., an employee-owned company, integrates audio-video, teleconferencing, window treatments, lighting solutions, and digital signage.
Previously Nichols served as Director of Service and Support at Avitecture.
Other IT executives who recently changed jobs as well: Parran Jaclyn, Cappello Beth, Bacigal Bob, Goel Gunjan, Latrobe Joachim, Brvenik Jason, VanLoo Brent, O'Hara Jim, McGlennon James, Christoe Evan, Laxdal Kristofer
You can find the full directory of IT executives here.
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