CTOs on the Move

Idaho Transportation Department


The state transportation system is inextricably woven into the fabric of Idaho life. The state`s citizens use Idaho`s transportation system to get to work, school, friends and recreation. They also rely on that system to bring goods to their stores, services to their doorstep, and to make sure the state`s goods and services are delivered to the customers of the nation and the world. From the food they eat, to the letters they read, to the movies they drive to, Idahoans are empowered by transportation in complex and substantial ways. The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has many opportunities for work ...
  • Number of Employees: 1K-5K
  • Annual Revenue: $0-1 Million
  • www.itd.idaho.gov
  • 3311 W. State Street P.O. Box 7129
    Boise, ID USA 83707
  • Phone: 208.334.8000


Name Title Contact Details
Brian Reed
Chief Information Security Officer Profile

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