What Happened?
MIR3 Appointed Cheryl Carmel as Vice President - Information Security
MIR3 Appointed Cheryl Carmel as Vice President - Information Security
MIR3 is one of the leading companies in Telecommunications industry. MIR3 is based in San Diego, CA. You can find more information on MIR3 at www.MIR3.com
Cheryl Carmel is Vice President - Information Security at MIR3 . Previously - Cheryl Carmel held various leadership positions in the industry.
Other IT executives who recently changed jobs as well: Chalmers Luke, Del Mixon John, Anderson Joel, Deet Denis, Tolbert Harl, Kragh Lars, Curtis Brenda, Warner Jason, Althouse John, Cox Burke, Patel Kash
You can find the full directory of IT executives here.
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