The Treasurer of State serves as the State`s banker and is responsible for an investment portfolio of approximately $9 billion. Every day, our staff accepts deposits, reconciles accounts, prepares statements and answers customers` questions. As the bank for the State, the office provides many of the same services as private banks.
On average, the office accepts more than $70 million daily in deposits from various local, state and federal sources, and credits them to the proper accounts. These deposits are made up of electronic funds transfers, checks and cash. We process between 2,000 to 3,000 checks and reconcile over 3,000 accounts ...
The Treasurer of State serves as the State`s banker and is responsible for an investment portfolio of approximately $9 billion. Every day, our staff accepts deposits, reconciles accounts, prepares statements and answers customers` questions. As the bank for the State, the office provides many of the same services as private banks.
On average, the office accepts more than $70 million daily in deposits from various local, state and federal sources, and credits them to the proper accounts. These deposits are made up of electronic funds transfers, checks and cash. We process between 2,000 to 3,000 checks and reconcile over 3,000 accounts daily, representing the funds of nearly 200 state agencies, boards and commissions.
The Treasurer is also charged with managing the Arkansas 529 Education Savings Plan, the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) program for people with disabilities, and serves as Chairman of the Arkansas Financial Education Commission.
Number of Employees:
Annual Revenue:
$10-50 Million