Alexander Grosse was Promoted as Chief Product and Technology Officer at Issuu

Date of management change: February 17, 2022 

What Happened?

Palo Alto, CA-based Issuu Promoted Alexander Grosse as Chief Product and Technology Officer


About the Company

Issuu is where the world`s most innovative and growth-oriented content creators publish digitally. As the industry’s leading digital publishing platform, we give publishers the tools to deliver over 5 billion page views each month to the 80+ million readers who care most about their content. We help publishers find, understand, monetize and grow a massive global audience on any device — while helping readers all over the world discover, enjoy and share new content. Headquartered in Palo Alto, California, Issuu is backed by Sunstone Capital and KDDI.


About the Person

Alexander Grosse is Chief Product and Technology Officer at Issuu. Previously, Alexander held various senior IT leadership roles in the industry.


Info Source



Other IT executives who recently changed jobs as well: Amin Bharat, Hollister Andrew, Calhoun Chris, Puffer Chad, Gilliam Grant, Heil John, Samanta Shivaji, Congdon Herbert, Kelliher Brandon, Mohammad Shamim, Brown Charles

You can find the full directory of IT executives here.

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