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Today TU is a national organization with more than 150,000 members organized into about 400 chapters from Maine to Montana to Alaska. This dedicated grassroots army is matched by a respected staff of lawyers, policy experts and scientists, who work out of more than 30 offices nationwide. These conservation professionals ensure that TU is at the forefront of fisheries restoration work at the local, state and national levels. The organization remains committed to applying ""the very best information and thinking available"" in its conservation work and has developed cutting-edge tools such as the Conservation Success Index (CSI), a sophisticated framework for assessing the health of coldwater fish species throughout their native range. Whether this range encompasses a few hundred miles or multiple states, the CSI helps the organization target its efforts toward those populations most in need of protection or restoration. The CSI also enables TU to measure its progress in achieving the bold goals laid out in its mission and vision. These goals require the organization to work at increasingly larger scales, and to collaborate with other conservation interests, local communities and state and federal partners to begin to rebuild the natural resiliency of watersheds. Such efforts are crucial if North America's trout and salmon are to survive climate change and the host of threats facing them at the start of the 21st century. Nearly 50 years after its founding, no other conservation organization is as well placed as TU to make a difference for the nation's coldwater fisheries.
United Way of Peel Region is a Mississauga, ON-based company in the Non-profit sector.
YouCaring is the leader in free online fundraising. Our compassionate crowdfunding platform empowers people to help others overcome hardships and enjoy happier, healthier lives.
TELACU is a Los Angeles, CA-based company in the Non-profit sector.
Triad Goodwill operates retail stores, Community Resource Centers, and Career Centers to serve Alamance, Caswell, Guilford, Randolph and Rockingham Counties. Triad Goodwill collects donated items, sells them in stores, and uses the revenue to fund job training and career services. Our Community Resource Centers and Career Centers offer resume assistance, computer training, career counseling, job search assistance, evaluations, vocational skills classes, and many other services to unemployed and underemployed job seekers, vocational rehabilitation clients, department of social services clients, and other local residents. Mission: Goodwill Industries of Central North Carolina, Inc. promotes the value of work by providing career development services and work opportunities for people with employment needs. Vision: Our vision is to be the recognized leader in helping people develop the work skills necessary to successfully integrate into the competitive labor market. Values: We value work and its accomplishments, our reputation as a trustworthy entity, competence, respect for the independence and intrinsic worth of individuals we serve, and communication with all stakeholder groups.