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Smart Software is a Belmont, MA-based company in the Software and Internet sector.
mabl is the only ML-driven test automation service that automatically maintains tests and identifies regressions for you.
Proofspace, Inc is a Grand Rapids, MI-based company in the Software and Internet sector.
Catalant provides global enterprises with software solutions to access business expertise on demand. The company`s innovative human capital solution matches top business professionals with enterprises to address their toughest challenges efficiently and in real-time. Catalant has built a global network of more than 35,000 boutique firms, custom teams, and independent experts, as well as best-in-class software tools for engaging and managing this market. Based in Boston, Catalant serves thousands of enterprise clients, including GE, Pfizer and Staples, as well as countless others on a confidential basis.
Genpact is shorthand for “generating business impact”. We design, transform, and run intelligent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. The result is advanced operating models that foster growth and manage cost, risk, and compliance across a range of functions such as finance and procurement, financial services account servicing, claims management, regulatory affairs, and industrial asset optimization. Our hundreds of long-term clients include more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500 – and of those, over 10 are in the top 25. Genpact began in 1997 as a business unit within General Electric – and this heritage has contributed to our deep understanding of process. As GE made Lean and Six Sigma pervasive, Genpact applied this same industrial engineering ethos to business processes operations for the first time in the world. Built with this single-minded passion for process science and operational excellence, Genpact’s resulting Smart Enterprise Processes (SEPSM) methodology focused on delivering business impact while safeguarding costs and limiting initial investment – igniting the global Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services industry. This proprietary SEPSM framework integrates effective technology and data-driven insight into the fabric of enterprise processes to help our clients be more competitive. In January 2005, Genpact became an independent company to bring our process expertise and unique DNA in Lean Six Sigma to clients outside the GE family, and then in August 2007, we became a publicly-traded company (NYSE: G). Since becoming independent, we have expanded rapidly from 32,000 employees and a revenue of US$823 million, to the current 66,000+ employees and 2013 revenues of US$2.1 billion. Bain Capital became Genpact’s largest shareholder in November 2012 with the strategic objective to grow the company further. Genpact has significant expertise accumulated over these 16 years of experience running operations for more than 800 complex enterprises and learning from the feedback loop of such extended enterprises. We remain loyal to our heritage of operational excellence as an extension of our clients’ business – reflected by the best client satisfaction scores in the industry. Our global critical mass, however, doesn’t dilute our flexible and collaborative approach. Our experienced management team drives client partnerships personally and manages global operations in 25 countries around the world, with main offices in New York City where key executives and corporate functions are based.