Vori Health is an all-inclusive health care provider practicing a holistic, integrated approach starting with musculoskeletal care. The organization offers full service physical medicine and rehabilitation medical care, physical therapy, prescriptions, imaging & lab ordering, health coaching, nutritional guidance, community support and premium instructional content. The team consists of carefully selected, board-certified/licensed providers, and provides services that are accessible at the click of a button from the comfort and convenience of a patient`s home. We are different from other virtual companies which offer only physical therapy or physician consultations. We believe a fully integrated approach leveraging the skills of many ...
Vori Health is an all-inclusive health care provider practicing a holistic, integrated approach starting with musculoskeletal care. The organization offers full service physical medicine and rehabilitation medical care, physical therapy, prescriptions, imaging & lab ordering, health coaching, nutritional guidance, community support and premium instructional content. The team consists of carefully selected, board-certified/licensed providers, and provides services that are accessible at the click of a button from the comfort and convenience of a patient`s home. We are different from other virtual companies which offer only physical therapy or physician consultations. We believe a fully integrated approach leveraging the skills of many healthcare professions is optimal to help our members on their journey towards wellness. Vori Health was established to deliver a truly elevated, human-centered, patient care experience through cutting-edge technology, premium content, community, and multidisciplinary care teams.
Number of Employees:
Annual Revenue:
$1-10 Million