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Imagine a company with vision of fundamentally changing an industry, and the small design firms who dominate it, by empowering them to accelerate their growth and better their bottom lines. Its with intellectual capital, education programs, passion and strong relationship, that this small business is dedicated to developing a nationwide network of companies who are recognized by the industry as the most professional and by consumers as the best value in kitchen and bathrooms. Welcome to SEN. The SEN Design Group is the industrys first kitchen and bath buying and business development group. As a 26-year-old professional organization, SEN has over 210 members nationwide and more than 75 quality vendors in cabinetry, appliances, plumbing fixtures, decorative hardware, closets, lighting, bathroom products, flooring, tile, business services and accessories who offer their products/services to the membership at group rates. Additionally, SEN offers over 40 business development services to its membership, including financial planning, business coaching, business management training, sales training programs, marketing tools to generate leads, networking, and management systems. For more information on SEN visit
BKD CPAs & Advisors is a top-tier CPA and advisory firm dedicated to helping people and businesses realize their goals. Our approximately 2,900 dedicated professionals offer solutions to clients in all 50 states and internationally. Our expertise goes well beyond the standard accounting services to include risk management, technology, wealth management and forensic and valuation services. Our clients represent a wide range of industries, and were even part of an alliance of firms that gives us a global reach.