Name | Title | Contact Details |
Clickcare is a Vestal, NY-based company in the Software and Internet sector.
PROLIN is a San Mateo, CA-based company in the Software and Internet sector.
A pioneer in CRM Intelligence, InsideView provides a suite of software solutions for sales and marketing leaders that delivers critical intelligence directly into CRM. Our CRM Intelligence platform provides the industry`s most accurate market data, valuable business insights, and strongest professional connections so that marketing professionals can deliver more leads, sales executives can close more deals, and account managers can retain and grow accounts. The InsideView CRM Intelligence Platform is integrated with Marketo, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Oracle,, SAP, and SugarCRM. Only InsideView improves performance at every stage of the marketing and sales process and is proven to increase leads, revenue and lifetime customer value.
Salesforce is at the heart of what we do; however, our talented team simplifies complex business requirements into actionable items to get maximum results out of the Salesforce platform. We design, build and innovate with our client`s customers and employee experience in mind.
Thumbtack Technology is a Brooklyn, NY-based company in the Software and Internet sector.