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For nearly two decades neon has simplified Workforce Management through thoughtful technology solving the HR needs of clients in over 75,000 locations.
Tedpros Inc is a Grand Rapids, MI-based company in the Software and Internet sector.
With hundreds of thousands devices in the field, Aava Mobile is the world market leader for POS professional tablets and the benchmark in a variety of vertical markets. Aava Mobile partners with the leading POS and Retail OEMs that offer complete table...
At Steady, we know there is collective power in the worker community. So we have built a platform that advocates for the millions of one-time, part-time and temporary workers who are changing the way America works.
Rafays Kubernetes management products and solutions deliver SaaS-based container management & Kubernetes management for Amazon EKS, Microsoft AKS and Google GKE. Scale your K8s needs securely and easily with Rafay.