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Backstage is the leading platform that enables productions, brands, marketing agencies, and businesses to efficiently discover and hire highly skilled performers to take creative projects to the next level. Backstage helps creators connect with the talent and crew they need for a multitude of projects, including commercials, branded content, voiceover, e-commerce photography, video, UGC, independent and studio films, TV series, and theater productions. Backstage helps creators find talent in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, continental Europe, and Latin America.
KKZX-FM is a Spokane, WA-based company in the Media and Entertainment sector.
CONTENT and COMPANY is a Santa Monica, CA-based company in the Media and Entertainment sector.
BrandHive is helping to brand the healthy lifestyles marketplace. Having spent the last few decades in the industry, our clients benefit from our long-standing relationships and decades of experience. We`ve remained focused on the core business areas of branding, including strategy, design, interactive (web and mobile), social media and public relations. What makes us unique is a hive-like environment that hinges on high energy, progressive and collaborative work. Our specialty is finished goods and raw materials for dietary supplements, personal care, healthy foods, healthy beverages and pet care.
About ABKCO: ABKCO Records is a subsidiary of ABKCO Music and Records, Inc.