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Since 1903, PCHAS has provided Christ-centered care and support to children and families in need. We serve children and families throughout Texas, Missouri and Louisiana through twelve core programs: Adoption & Maternity Services, Foster Care, Foster Care Case Management, Medical Case Management, Group Homes (for children), Residential Treatment, Education, Child and Family, Family Solutions for Kids, Single Parent Family, Transitional Living (for young adults who have aged out of foster care) and Therapeutic Mentoring.
Rising Sun-Ohio Co Cmty Sd is a Rising Sun, IN-based company in the Non-profit sector.
To build a historic commemoration of our nation`s founding for all Americans, America250 is guided by the following principles. To commemorate our 250th anniversary with inclusive programs that inspire Americans to renew and strengthen our daring experiment in democracy. The shared experiences of America250 will have ignited our imaginations, elevated our diverse stories, inspired service in our communities, and demonstrated the lasting durability of the American project. America250 will extend an invitation to all Americans to commemorate 250 years, the longest stretch of any continuous democracy in the world. For this commemoration, we are committed to involving as many Americans as possible, from every background and every community. There`s no more powerful resource in the world than imagination, and America250 aims to tap into every American`s hopes, dreams, and ideas in order to honor our past 250 years and shape our next 250. We want to activate and unleash the American spirit, so that our descendants can look back on us 250 years from now and see the effects that we made on the course of our nation at this critical moment in our history.
National Bankers Association is a Washington, DC-based company in the Non-Profit sector.
THE YMCA OF DANE COUNTY is, and always will be, dedicated to building healthy, confident, connected and secure children, adults, families and communities. Every day our impact is felt when an individual makes a healthy choice, when a mentor inspires a child and when a community comes together for the common good. With a focus on YOUTH DEVELOPMENT, HEALTHY LIVING and SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, strengthening communities is our cause. At the Y, we believe that lasting personal and social change happens when we all work together. Every day we work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to be healthy, confident, connected and secure. At the Y, no child, family or adult is turned away for the inability to pay. We recognize that for communities to succeed, everyone must be given the opportunity to be healthy, confident, connected and secure.