CTOs on the Move

Evite is the world`s leading digital platform for bringing people together to celebrate their most important life moments. With over 32 million registered users, Evite has sent more than 2 billion event invitations in its history, enabling approximately 3 billion unique face-to-face connections across all types of gatherings. Through easy-to-use online and text invitations, a private sharing feed for event photos and conversations, and inspiring video content, Evite provides inspiration and tools to make your get-togethers effortless and even more memorable.
  • Number of Employees: 100-250
  • Annual Revenue: $10-50 Million
  • www.evite.com
  • 600 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 400
    Los Angeles, CA USA 90017
  • Phone: 213.699.5005


Name Title Contact Details
Thanh Khuu
Chief Technology Officer Profile
Perry Evoniuk
Chief Technology Officer Profile

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