There`s $12 trillion worth of consumer lending data stuck in antiquated databases and Excel spreadsheets. Our plan? Map every last bit of it, making it accessible through modern technology. dv01 is a reporting and analytics platform that provides institutional investors transparency into lending markets, starting with marketplace lending. To date, dv01`s portfolio management software has given investors insight into more than $30 billion of loans (>50% of total) from the biggest marketplace lenders, including LendingClub, Prosper, and SoFi. By offering unrivaled data transparency and integrity, dv01 aims to simplify all aspects of loan and bond investment, expanding from marketplace portfolio ...
There`s $12 trillion worth of consumer lending data stuck in antiquated databases and Excel spreadsheets. Our plan? Map every last bit of it, making it accessible through modern technology. dv01 is a reporting and analytics platform that provides institutional investors transparency into lending markets, starting with marketplace lending. To date, dv01`s portfolio management software has given investors insight into more than $30 billion of loans (>50% of total) from the biggest marketplace lenders, including LendingClub, Prosper, and SoFi. By offering unrivaled data transparency and integrity, dv01 aims to simplify all aspects of loan and bond investment, expanding from marketplace portfolio management and securitization to the $12 trillion consumer and mortgage lending markets.
Number of Employees:
Annual Revenue:
$1-10 Million