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The Wildcat team consists of successful entrepreneurs turned investors. Over the years, we have observed that most startups can build a product but many falter in the go-to-market phase, exposing themselves to lower valuations, significant financing risks, and suboptimal outcomes. In fact, industry data shows that more than 75% of startups fail to gain traction and never return capital invested. In stark contrast to these industry statistics, 70% of the companies we have backed have been successful. To achieve these results, we have developed a unique investment and operating framework generated from our collective experience; it is called the Traction Gap. We use the Traction Gap framework - terminology, strategies and tactics – to work with teams to help them successfully transition from product development into company scaling.
Natexis Bleichroeder is a New York, NY-based company in the Financial Services sector.
This information is directed at investors of a professional, sophisticated or wholesale nature and not the retail market. The information has been prepared for general information purposes only and is intended to provide a summary of the subject matter covered. It does not purport to be comprehensive or to give advice. Who we are We are a global asset management business with experience across a wide range of asset classes and specialist industry sectors. What we do We manage assets across a diverse range of global asset classes, including international sector equities, fixed income and credit, alternatives, multi-asset, emerging markets, property securities and listed and direct infrastructure investments. Our brands First State Investments, also known as First Sentier Investors in Australia, is a member of MUFG, a global financial group. Our business includes Stewart Investors, a pioneer in emerging market equities and sustainable investing, and FSSA Investment Managers, our leading Asian equities investor. Dedicated global asset manager Being a global asset management business allows us to focus on our key strengths as investors, while developing a performance culture to better position us to attract and retain talented personnel who will underpin the performance of our clients` investments. We are committed to the principles of responsible investment and have been signatories to the United Nation`s Principles for Responsible Investment (also referred to as PRI) since 2007.
Manulife Financial is a leading Canada-based financial services group with principal operations in Asia, Canada and the United States. In 2012, we celebrate 125 years of providing clients strong, reliable, trustworthy and forward-thinking solutions for their most significant financial decisions. Our international network of employees, agents and distribution partners offers financial protection and wealth management products and services. These products and services include individual life insurance, group life and health insurance, long-term care services, pension products, annuities, mutual funds and banking products. We provide asset management services to institutional customers worldwide and offer reinsurance solutions, specializing in property and casualty retrocession. The Company operates in Canada and Asia through the brand name “Manulife Financial” and in the United States primarily through the brand name “John Hancock“.
Robbins Futures is a Chicago, IL-based company in the Financial Services sector.