Name | Title | Contact Details |
Konstantin Konstantinov |
Chief Technology Officer | Profile |
Delivering on our promise to identify any microbe, from any sample, anywhere in the world will take a team of dedicated, passionate, and experienced individuals. The members of our team at IDbyDNA have a strong track record of building successful organizations and bring a breadth of multi-disciplinary experience including; microbial genomics, bioinformatics, software engineering, laboratory medicine, and commercialization. In concert with the global community of researchers, clinicians, industry partners and policy makers, we will revolutionize microbial detection and bring new solutions to solve problems that are not currently addressable with today`s technologies.
Interleukin Genetics Incorporated is a Waltham, MA-based company in the Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, and Biotech sector.
JMA is a San Mateo, CA-based company in the Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, and Biotech sector.
Oral integrin therapies for patients with immunological, fibrotic, neoplastic and vascular diseases. Morphic Tx is joining a three decade quest led by our scientific founder, Tim Springer, who initially discovered the integrin receptor family in the 1980s. This receptor family is an important drug target that has fueled the successful development of six injectable therapies approved for treatment of multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn`s disease, plaque psoriasis, acute coronary syndrome and complications during percutaneous coronary intervention.
Mirna Therapeutics, Inc. (Mirna) is a biotechnology research and development company focused on miRNA-directed oncology therapies. Featuring world-class research capabilities, a strong understanding of miRNA and cancer biology, and a broad IP portfolio, Mirna Therapeutics is well-positioned to capitalize on the emerging field of miRNA-based therapeutics.