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WHY CHOOSE BERENSON? Berenson is committed to providing an unmatched customer experience. Thats why we have an industry-leading sample program, same-day shipping to get you your product when you need it, an excellent fulfillment rate, and a wide variety of quality hardware for every budget. Through our three lines, we provide decorative hardware in a range of finishes and designs. From traditional to contemporary, there is something for everyone. We are trend-driven and always updating our collections to keep up with todays styles. Over the years, weve built lasting relationships based on trust, integrity, and mutual respect. As a privately owned family business, our first obligation is to you, our customers. Everyone at Berenson is dedicated to delivering not simply the best products, but the best customer experience — from product selection and delivery through years of satisfaction and enjoyment. Thats our promise to you, every day. Our Vision People pulling together to make Berenson your first choice for visual hardware solutions. Our Mission To provide hassle-free service and unique solutions for your decorative hardware needs.
4Liberty is a leading technical & professional services firm focused on energy & infrastructure. We manage large scale programs and projects for diverse clients across North America. We help utilities through the energy transition necessary to meet customer expectations, adhere to government mandates, and reach sustainable goals. We help commercial, government, and municipal customers implement the modern infrastructure needed to bolster security, improve connectivity, and ensure environmental and social justice.
AAA-Integration is an engineering service company, that emphasis on (Building Quality into Engineering Design). The evolution in engineering-design software during the past decade has permanently changed the engineering design concept. Three-dimensional computer-aided design, manufacturing and engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE) software programs are close to fulfilling their promise to deliver fully integrated design and manufacturing. CAD design software saves time and money in product development by reducing or eliminating the need for physical mock-ups, allowing for early detection of interference between components and enabling quick design iterations that result in product optimization. To further this integration, design engineering is taking new quality assurance concept. Attention to quality in the process-level used to produce engineering designs--in other words, attention to the data produced by digital modeling activities--is proving to be equally fruitful. Practitioners of design quality assurance and control are reaping great benefits by pushing quality awareness earlier into the engineering process.