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Veltex is traded under the symbol VLXC on OTC Markets. Mission Veltex Corporation seeks to enhance shareholder value through aggressive recuperation of lost resources and assets while maximizing the worth of those recovered. At stake are losses originating from alleged misappropriation, negligence and fraudulent activities of the corporation`s prior management, accounting and legal professionals, among others. Current litigation is underway in federal and in various state courts. Veltex`s litigators are dedicated to the uncompromising, efficient and timely prosecution of our claims. There are no guarantees; however, favorable outcomes from these legal proceedings may position the company to explore benefits of tax credits, tax loss carryforwards, merger and / or acquisition examinations and redeployment of monetary rewards to shareholders of the corporation.
CEI Ventures is a Portland, ME-based company in the Financial Services sector.
For 175 years, weve been helping people put their love into action. #LoveTakesAction #GoodAtLife Read our disclaimers:
reservoirvp is a Worthington, OH-based company in the Financial Services sector.
Pinnacle Ventures is a Palo Alto, CA-based company in the Financial Services sector.