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We`re Sierra Madre Research (or as our friends like to call us SMr) an outdoor gear company that designs and manufacturers: Camping Hammocks, Hammock Shelters, and other Outdoor products. We believe in making high quality gear so you can get out and explore this world for many years to come. We also believe in making a difference in peoples lives in developing countries. We give a portion of our profits to fund the drilling of clean water wells in Northern Honduras.
Being safe should be simple. SimpliSafe designs home security systems that are wireless, cellular and so user-friendly they can be set up by anyone in minutes. An ever-expanding arsenal of sensors and the SimpliSafe security camera, SimpliCam, provides all-encompassing protection while integrated apps make comprehensive system control possible from anywhere. But SimpliSafe is way more than its great products. It`s also seamless 24/7 professional monitoring, without the long-term contracts and sky-high prices of traditional alarm companies. Currently, SimpliSafe protects over 2 million Americans and that number is quickly rising. In 2014, the company was ranked in The Inc. 500 as one of the fastest growing private companies in the nation with a 3,076% 3-year growth rate. SimpliSafe is ushering in a new era — one where anyone anywhere can have a security system that`s not only simple, but also on the cutting edge.
Laser Images Inc is a Van Nuys, CA-based company in the Manufacturing sector.
Triunfo Import is a Newark, NJ-based company in the Manufacturing sector.
SureTech Assembly, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of cable assemblies, wire harnesses and mechanical and electromechanical assemblies. Conveniently located in Youngsville, North Carolina , SureTech is a customer-focused company that provides value-added