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Maryland has ranked #1 nationwide by Education Week`s Quality Counts reports for five years in a row. The College Board`s 2013 Annual Advanced Placement Report to the Nation also ranks Maryland first. In Frederick, Maryland`s largest county, education achievement exceeds Maryland averages with scores that consistently surpass state and national averages on such measures as the College Board SAT. In fact, Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) consistently ranks among Maryland`s top school districts with each of its high schools achieving in the nation`s top 9% according to the Washington Post 2013 Challenge Index. FCPS ranks first in statewide 2012 School Progress Index accountability data, which includes overall student performance, closing achievement gaps, student growth and college and career preparation. The FCPS dropout rate at 5.05 is Maryland`s lowest, while our graduation rate at 91.5 is the third highest. Frederick is at the top of the Baltimore-Washington, DC triangle and less than an hour`s drive from each. Frederick County public schools serve 41,000 students in 66 schools: 36 elementary, 13 middle, 10 high, 3 charter and 4 other education centers.
Indian Creek Schools is a Trafalgar, IN-based company in the Education sector.
CW Middle School is a Canal Winchester, OH-based company in the Education sector.
Located in the heart of the Twin Cities metropolitan area, the Richfield Public Schools provide a high-quality, comprehensive educational program for a diverse student population in Richfield and the surrounding communities. The Richfield Public Schools are committed to preparing all students for success in a changing world.
Walker County School District is a La Fayette, GA-based company in the Education sector.