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Autohuset Vestergaard A/S, Personvogne er blandt landets største bilvirksomheder. Vi har autoriseret salg af 11 bilmærker - Volvo, Polestar, Renault, KIA, Ford, Mazda, Dacia, Nissan, Maxus, JAC og BYD. Vi er repræsenteret med 12 filialer - Autohuset Vestergaard beskæftiger cirka 450 medarbejdere og sælger årligt mere end 15.000 nye og brugte biler. Vi er specialister inden for person- og varebiler til private og erhvervsdrivende. Autohuset Vestergaard skræddersyer en løsning, der matcher netop dit behov. Hvad end du ønsker at lease eller eje, så har vi løsningen til dig. Alle vores værksteder er ISO-certificerede og bemandet med top professionelle medarbejdere, der sikrer optimal pleje af din bil, uanset om det gælder service, reparation eller skadearbejde. Hos Autohuset Vestergaard er det vores målsætning, at skabe langsigtede relationer med vores kunder. I vores daglige arbejder bestræber vi os altid på at yde den indsats, der skal til, for at vi opnår yderst tilfredse kunder.
The Ninety Nine Restaurant & Pub is headquartered in Woburn, Massachusetts, and has earned a strong reputation as a friendly, comfortable place to gather and enjoy great food and great drink at a terrific price. With the establishment of the Ninety Nine Restaurant & Pub in 1952, founder Charlie Doe created an entirely new niche in the New England hospitality industry – the casual restaurant – long before the appearance of others. The Ninety Nine Restaurant & Pub continues to prosper and grow. The Ninety Nine updates and refines its menu on an ongoing basis to provide guests with fresh new options, yet continues to offer great food and great drink at a terrific price. This philosophy began when the company was founded, and is still maintained today. The culture at the Ninety Nine Restaurant & Pub was instilled by Charlie Doe long before a mission statement was ever written down on paper. But the proclamation means that guests, team members, community and stakeholders are treated with respect. For guests, it means they have a friendly, comfortable place to gather and enjoy great food and great drink at a terrific price. The Ninety Nine is proud to serve more than 20 million customers a year in over 105 restaurants throughout the Northeast. For team members it translates into accommodating work schedules, generous benefits, including 401(k) plans and health, life and dental insurance (for hourly and part-time team members as well); and plentiful rewards for top performers.
Saddle Rock Legal Group partners with other leading law firms across the United States to provide legal representation for victims of mass torts. These partnerships allow us to offer our clients a wider range of resources and expertise and a greater ability to handle complex cases on a national level. Our partner firms are carefully selected based on their experience and reputation in the field of mass torts, and we work closely with them to provide the highest level of legal representation to our clients. If you have been affected by a mass tort and are seeking legal representation, Saddle Rock Legal Group and our network of partners may be able to help you seek justice and compensation.