CTOs on the Move

Advanced Internet Technologies, Inc.


Advanced Internet Technologies, Inc. is one of the leading companies in the Software and Internet sector.
  • Number of Employees: 100-250
  • Annual Revenue: $10-50 Million
  • www.ait.com
  • 421 Maiden Ln
    Fayetteville, NC USA 28301
  • Phone: 910.321.1200


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Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

To reach another person on the Internet you have to type an address into your computer - a name or a number. That address has to be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN helps coordinate these unique identifiers across the world. Without that coordination we wouldn`t have one global Internet. ICANN was formed in 1998. It is a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation with participants from all over the world dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. It helps promote competition and develop policy on the Internet’s unique identifiers. ICANN doesn’t control content on the Internet. It cannot stop spam and it doesn’t deal with access to the Internet. But through its coordination role of the Internet’s naming system, it does have an important impact on the expansion and evolution of the Internet.


UpLynx is a Spring, TX-based company in the Software and Internet sector.